MBCEStore Barcode » RFID
Radio Frequency RF Identification ID (RFID), is an automatic identification method, using handheld reader or another device you can read and store remotely and retrieving data. RFID use devices called RFID tags or transponders.
RFID can used in some industries to improve productivity such as:
The use and utilization of RFID devices and technology safe and secure supply and administration of pharmaceuticals.
Supply chain management
Supermarkets commonly are tagging pallets, cases and other returnable transit items. Tagging with RFID technology can gives total asset visibility and allows better management of the asset pool.
Libraries and Schools
RFID is ideal for libraries to automate the issue and return of books, and any another material who users request. RFID to give real-time visibility for library inventory and help to improve security.
Baggage tag
Tests have shown first-read rates of over 99% with RFID tags compared to 90% for bar code-only tags.